Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system starts attacking the
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Treatment Possible ensures that you get the best possible treatment in India at the lowest cost while ensuring that you are able to find the best hospital and surgeon for your treatment!
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Once the patient’s treatment is confirmed with us, we provide the medical visa letter for which we would require the passport details of patient & attendant for the same.[Complete name as on passport/p. p. no./dt of issue & dt of expiry], the letter will expedite the visa process.
India is able to afford world-class medical care at hugely discounted rates, because of the low cost of the infrastructure and the lower doctor-patient ratio. According to a cost comparison study by the American Medical Association, a knee replacement surgery will cost $40,000 in US, $10,000 in Thailand and $13,000 in Singapore, but $8,500 in India. Similarly, for a bone marrow transplant you will have to pay around $4,00,000 in the US, $1,50,000 in UK but Just $30,000 in India. It doesn’t matter which treatment you choose, you are going to save around 70-75 percent of the total cost including medical services, travel, accommodation and food services.
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Our main objective is to ensure high-quality Medical treatment in India at a price that is reasonable, affordable and transparent. A case manager would be allocated to take personalized interest to provide the treatment plan with a specific time and cost for medical treatment in India. However, for an early response from a case manager, medical history and diagnostic reports can be sent to our WhatsApp at +9189288 11870 or
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system starts attacking the
Stem Cell Treatment in India: Stem cell treatment promises a major improvement in the body movement of cerebral palsy patients.
What is a PET Scan? ‘PET’ stands for ‘Positron Emission Tomography’. A Positron Emission Tomography Scan uses a special dye